oth·​er·​word·​y [ uhth-er-wurd-ee ]

  1. Big-picture, developmental and copy editing services.

  2. Resource strategy, workshops, and support for authors who need a nudge.

    New York Public Library 67th St.
    April 15, Monday, 5:30pm ET

    Carolin Wood Pop-up Art Show
    in Louise Court, Rockaway Beach
    April 6, Saturday, 12pm - 4pm ET

    Editorial Freelancers Association
    Webinar (Register here)
    May 23, Thursday, 4:30pm ET

  • Need a professionally trained developmental editor or copy editor who has a good track record with author care and accountability?


  • Starting in May 2024, all cowriting sessions and Authors Circle activities will be transitioned to Literary Craft Society, the academic arm of Spirit Bound Press founded by bestselling author and publisher, Juliet Diaz.

    I’ll be working with her to develop workshops, events, and resources for writers and to grow a literary community inspiring change through the power of words.


Editorial Support

Short Prose Feedback (nonfiction & fiction):
Starts at $318.00 (up to 3,000 words)

Starts at $228.00 (two poems of reasonable length)

Book Outline and Planning:

Other editing services:

Developmental editing Copy editing
Author care (for publishers)

  • Developmental or big-picture editing is a collaborative process between the author and editor when it comes to the overall flow, focus, POV, and structure of the writing or manuscript. The editor offers strategies to make sure the writing aligns with the book goals of both the author and the publisher.

    What to expect:

    -In-document comments and notes

    -Summary letter that will give much-needed perspective on the key elements the author needs to complete and revise their writing.

    Note: This process doesn’t involve proofreading.

  • Copy editing involves the following:

    -checking for consistent and proper application of tone, style, grammar, and word usage on a chapter, section, paragraph, and sentence level;

    -flagging mistakes in information and unclear or incomplete details, and

    -creating a stylesheet for the manuscript (books).

  • This service came from my desire to spare fellow authors countless trial-and-error just to find what works best for their writing and publishing goals.

    I’ve participated in more than 50 courses, writing groups, masterclasses, workshops, and challenges. I’ve also tried writing and “productivity” routines from morning pages, bullet journaling, braindumping, etc.

    Name a writing and productivity app, and I’ve probably tried it, including using generative AI.

    It seems the best use for all my accumulated experience and knowledge is by becoming a one-stop-resource hub to explore all these courses, groups, and techniques.

    My “Pruning the Routine” service is a dedicated resource strategy service for writers who need a nudge.

    Book a call with me for more info.

  • Although I have experience as a developmental editor for both fiction and nonfiction, I work best with the following genres:

    -Literary nonfiction books

    -Creative nonfiction and essays

    -Memoirs and biographies

    -YA and fantasy novels

    -Literary fiction and short stories

    -Leadership books (for speakers and coaches)

    -Poetry collections and anthologies

    -Blogs and advice columns

    1. Authors who are developing or polishing their writing for submission or queries

    2. Publishers and book coaches who need experienced freelance book editors used to meeting stringent deadlines.

    3. Businesses or organizations who want to make sure their copy, blogs, newsletter, and social media messaging are polished and free from error.

 Featured Editorial Services —

Big-picture Editorial Feedback

for short pieces or partial manuscript

Thoughtful, in-depth written evaluation on elements like plot, characterization, (fiction), structure, consistency, and style (nonfiction), as well as your writing's strengths and weaknesses. Includes one-hour virtual session on revision strategy and submission options.

Starts at $318.00

Book Outline & Planning

A template for your book outline and guidance on your book writing and/or query plan.

Strategies for choosing comp (comparable) books, marketing and promotions, and querying an agent or publisher.

Genres covered: Nonfiction, memoir, personal development, leadership, guidebook, cook book, anthology, oracle cards

Starts at $468.00

Hi, I’m Neva

I’m an author and editor who harnesses community and literary citizenship to help writers on the road to publishing.

My editorial business and Substack are both called Otherwordy, named after the work of amplifying “other” stories by marginalized and underrepresented writers.

I collaborate with organizations and companies who embody the same mission, such as Talking Writing (as community manager), Spirit Bound Press (as lead editor), and Row House Publishing (as consulting editor).

 Recent Book Projects —

I may receive a small commission when you buy these books through my link at no additional cost to you.

  • "An editor who can really help you write a powerful story."

    I am so grateful to work with Neva. She knows how to help you write your story and go deeper. As someone who just wrote her first book, Neva made the process super easy for me and I don’t know what I would do without her. If you need an editor who can really help you write a powerful story, Neva is the woman to work with!

    -SHEENA YAP CHAN, speaker and best-selling author, The Tao of Self-Confidence (Wiley)

  • "Neva is my secret weapon."

    Wow, wow, wow. Let me start by saying that I consider Neva as my “secret weapon.” I am a psychologist in private practice and decided to try my hand at writing an advice column.

    Neva had the impressive ability to wear both her editing hat and her psychology hat. She was able to see things I did not and some things perhaps I should have. Her edits helped guide me to effectively answer complex advice questions with expert answers that a lay person can easily comprehend. She gets it.

    Neva is professional, down-to-earth, knowledgable in her craft, and provides candid feedback.

    -DR. DEB HECKER, psychologist and relationships therapist, author of “Ask Dr. Deb” advice column

  • "Experienced and empathetic."

    Neva is a talented, experienced, and empathetic editor that I highly recommend.

    — REBEKAH BORUCKI, Founder and Publisher, Row House Publishing

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The nature of big-picture or developmental editing is intensive, so to get the best results, I typically take 1,000 to 1,500 words per hour for manuscripts for 4 hours on a given work day. This may vary depending on the complexity of the material or work and my current work load.

    It takes me about two weeks to finish editing pieces up to 10,000 words and 5-8 weeks for full manuscripts (starting from 30,000 words).

    This includes a minimum of two passes or reading, editorial comments and suggestions marked up on the document, and a separate big-picture evaluation or editorial letter.

    Rush projects are priced according to an adjusted premium fee.

  • Developmental editing:

    1.) Essays, articles, short fiction, digital content, and other short writing: rates start at $275 for up to 2,500 words.

    2.) Poetry: rates start at $139 for two poems of reasonable length (no epics, please).

    3.) Full manuscripts: the rate starts at $70/hour.

    For a 60,000 word manuscript, it would take me approximately 40 hours to finish. Estimated total cost x $70/hour = $2,800.

    Copy editing

    $45 to $50 per hour (upon evaluation)

    e.g. 70,000 manuscript: $1,380

    *Note on Special Pricing: I’m open to taking a reduced or restructured fee for a good cause or for urgent circumstances. Please don’t hesitate to ask about this if your work falls under these categories.

  • Copy editing ensures that text is correct in terms of spelling, grammar, jargon, punctuation, terminology, semantics and formatting. It follows a style guide that the author or publisher requires.

    It also ensures that the ideas the writer wishes to portray and that any information in the text are fact-checked to protect from legal issues.

    Proofreading is done the final stage before publication. It examines the text carefully to find and correct typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling.

The Otherwordy Dispatch

Notes on writing, publishing, and all the other things that keep me from finishing my book..